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Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Don't Know How She Does It, Either

Mainly because I don't have time to go to the movies.  Since the birth of my daughter almost 2 years ago, I have been to the movies less than 5 times.  Dinner and a movie with the girls used to be a weekend staple, we'd go at least once or twice a month.  When A was a newborn, she was a demanding nursling and flat out refused to take a bottle, so she and I pretty much went everywhere together.  I've seen people bring tiny little ones into the movies and the baby somehow sleeps through the entire movie.  My daughter has always been way too interested in everything around her for that to ever happen.  I have finally managed to start reading books again,  thanks to my kindle and audio books from I know it's cheating, but I don't care.  I missed books!

In recent months it has gotten easier from the perspective of being apart for several hours at a time.  But to be honest, after a busy week, I'm a little afraid that I'll fall asleep in that nice dark, kid free theater.  Also, if I try to pack too much into the weekend, I lose my prep time for the coming week.  I need to make at least two week night dinners (or do most of the prep work) so as not to resort to pasta and sauce for multiple nights in a row.  My toddler sticks her nose up if a menu selection appears on the table too often.  My little foodie in the making.  For the record, the response she receives is, "That's what's for dinner.  I'm not a short order cook."  There are definitely times that I hear things my parents said to me as a kid coming out of my mouth.  But that's a post for another time.

What was my point?  Oh, right, movies.  There have been a few this year that I wanted to see really badly, which made it worth the ten bucks and the 2 hours to see.  Fortunately, they lived up to my expectations.  In case you were wondering, the top two were:  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2; and The Help.  I really enjoyed both.  Both were not as good as the books they were adapted from, but very well done as movies.  The Help was a great outing too, because I went with a great multi-generational group of women.  It was like a nice big girls night (okay, afternoon) out.

I have plans to see I Don't Know How She Does It, with another great friend.  Maybe I can get some tips.  The previews I've seen make me confident that I'll at least get confirmation that I'm not the only one in this boat!

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