From all the sugar consumed yesterday! Not getting many trick or treaters means lots of candy left over. I know I should buy candy I don't like, but then I feel like I've wasted money. It's a personal Catch 22. I was sitting in a four hour long meeting this morning regretting not having brought the candy to work with me. I missed a golden opportunity to unload the leftover candy and sugar up an otherwise uneventful meeting.
I'm tired, but all the running around was worth it. DD loved trick or treating. What's not to love? I hadn't been trick or treating since I was a teenager, but I enjoyed it as much this year as I did back then. At first she was happy just to be putting her costume on and going for a ride in the stroller. I'm not sure why the stroller is a novelty to her now, but I'm happy it is because it means I don't have to carry her when she decides she doesn't want to walk anymore. She's getting heavy! Then she realized that each house was giving her chocolate, her favorite food. She quickly figured out that if she said, "more, pease!" that most of the kind people giving out candy would give her more. "Tank you!" She started shopping through her goody bag about five houses in, quickly identifying the chocolate and requesting, "Open, pease!" in a happy little singsong. Fortunately, we had anticipated this and had a little bag of m&ms that could be meted out one at a time every few houses. When she's bigger we will make clear the "no eating the candy until we get home" rule. For now, she's two. She will have forgotten all about the m&ms by next year. And I have hidden her candy from this year, to be dispensed gradually. I had a nightmare about finding her in the living room with wrappers strewn around her, giggling and bouncing off the walls for hours. I'm just not ready for that yet.
I suspect that I will not be allowed to put her costume away. She has asked to wear it for the last 4 days in a row. I see a project for mommy in the not so distant future...starting a dress up box. I should probably get a toybox for the rest of her toys first, should add both to my to-do list. Check.
I think DH really enjoyed trick or treating too. Pretty sure he was just humoring me initially, but he had a good time. I got him a "costume" at the dollar store - glasses with a nose and mustache attached. I thought he would mock me but figured it was worth $1 to find out. Surprisingly, he did not mock and did wear them. He even rigged them up to make them fit him! Woohoo! I love Halloween, so i am disappointed when he is grinchy about it. I think it helped that we went trick or treating with our next door neighbors and their three kids, and that he saw a few other dads out. The plan for next year is to hit a couple key houses on our street and then head over a couple blocks to an area with sidewalks and houses that are closer together. Now I just need three costume ideas for next year...
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