I heard these magic words for the first time yesterday morning. As I got ready to leave for work, I gave my two year old a hug and kiss and said good-bye. She looked me in the eye and said, "Mommy go work. Mommy coming back. I love you, Mommy." Then she smiled at me. It's one of those sweet mommy moments that I will always treasure. It came out of nowhere! She usually refers to herself in the third person and is just starting to attempt to use pronouns. She is also super independent and generally somewhat resistant to affection and good-byes unless she is the instigator. I have been told to sneak out of the house so she wouldn't get upset when I leave, but I have always felt that it was important to say good-bye to her and teach her that even though I leave to go to work, I love her and I will come back and get her at the end of the day. And to her daddy's delight, she went over to him right after, patted his face and said, "I love you, Daddy." She was quite pleased with herself and with the responses that she got from us. She's a rough and tumble girl, which somehow seems to make moments like these that much sweeter.
I'm so thrilled!
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